gasp! I need some air, and was searching for it at - of all places- on google, semi-geek that I am, when I came across this website. Not quite what I was looking for, but refreshing nevertheless.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Red Camper

I met Maura when my dad and I were touring the Grand Canyon. She had this really cool looking bag, with 35mm slides all around it. I was shooting Velvia slides myself, and the idea struck me as really cool and innovative - much more subtle, yet chic, than stuffing printed 4x6-s into cheap plastic slots on the side of "photo bags" available.

Turned out it was her own design.

It's been a while since then, and it looks like the Red Camper has really taken off - it has its own website, has been seen around in several fashion stores around the US, and is soon going to be available for purchase online. It also has a few siblings added around the base model.

It's not cheap - but then it's not made in a certain Far East country, and they are not available in a certain Fortune 1 Store either. But it's guaranteed to be cool - this I can say first-hand.